Become a Member

Membership is open to all; you don’t need to be a Montessorian or a Montessori school. All you have to do is complete the one page application and agree to abide by the Code of Ethics and it’s free!

The UMC was founded in 2004 with the mission of creating a system of support for the Montessori schools of Utah. We organize professional conferences and workshops featuring nationally known presenters as well as our own local talent to assist faculty, staff and heads of schools in improving their methodology. In addition we keep our collective ears tuned to issues that may affect our schools. The current status of Montessori schools as self-regulating with regard to state daycare laws is in place because of the efforts of the UMC in general and Bruce King, UMC Treasurer, in particular. The UMC offers a school certification program in order to maintain this status.

To become a member, please print out Membership Application, complete and mail to: UMC, 2083 Equestrian Court, Park City, Utah 84060

Member Benefits

Membership Certificate

Notification of Events In or Near Utah

Eligibility for UMC Certification Programs

Opportunity to vote on UMC issues

Eligibility for directories, school surveys and other useful information

Eligibility for consultations